About Details

TREBORI - Robert HZ (Zinke)  

(Updated: December 25, 2024)

• Birth name:   Robert ZINKE
• Legal name:   Robert Hörhold
                            (since April 17, 1986 [That last name was given without being asked and without adoption.])

• Birth date:   February 17, 1976
• Birth day:   Tuesday
• Birth time:   5:25pm
• Birth place:   Berlin - Mitte, Germany
• Father name:   ZINKE
• Mother - maiden name:   STUTZ
• Mother's mother - maiden name: Gradkowski

• Languages:   German | English (beginning in 2007 [self-taught])
• Occupation: August 1992 - February 2005 | includes apprenticeship, military duty, and some month of the occasional unemployment (3 1/2 years apprenticeship, and then wage worked as fully trained car mechanic in 9 different places of employment)
- Since February 2005 living as a connoisseur of the art of living.
- Autodidact/self-taught artist-painter from Berlin, who got introduced in 2017 to Vedic texts through Quinn Michaels (QM). It looks like QM is a kidnapped Romanov, who is being hidden in plain sight in the US.

Quinn Michaels' Links:
  • https://quinnmichaels.com
  • https://indra.ai
  • https://indra.guru
  • https://indra.team/
  • https://deva.world/
  • https://vedicthreefoldalgorithm.com/
  • https://medium.com/@quinnmichaels/the the-kidnapping-of-quinn-michaels
  • .
    𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅.
    Red & Blue, Purple's Symbolism:
    Bipolar symbolism / bi-faced Idols like the two-faced Janus (i. a. Roman God of duality) has been named Hermetic.
    "There is a strange trace of a common bipolar symbolism in the applications of the colors
    Red & Blue, discovered in studies and documented in a series of manuscripts.
    This religious bipolarity has been named Hermetic for the bi-faced idols
    and the naming conventions by Roman historians (Caesar and Tacitus) and archaeologists,
    who compared early idols (including the Hermes of Roquepertuse) with Roman bi-faced idols
    of (Roman God) Mercury / (Greek God) Hermes."

    (The term "hermetic" is equivalent to "occult" or hidden)

    Source Link - Proceedings in the Pronouns' Etymology by Johannes Richter:
  • https://www.scribd.com/document/385320780/Proceedings-in-the-Pronouns-Etymology

  • RED | Naga Swastika | Female?
    BLUE | Naga Manu | Male?
    Sacrifice is Offering?
    There are 3 types of offering/sacrifice?

    Yajna (Sanskrit: यज्ञ, romanized: yajña, lit. 'sacrifice, devotion, worship, offering')
    & the #VedicThreefoldAlgorithm (This algorithm is built upon three core principles: Goodness, Passion, and Ignorance, each representing fundamental modes of nature that influence thought, word, and deed.)

    According to the Bhagavad Gita (part of the Mahabharata) there are 3 types of Yajna.
    1. Sevā/Dāna - service/giving of alms - Offering & Sacrifice with Freedom/non-bondage (selfless - without desire for 'fruit') is known that to be in the mode of goodness ([is helping?] Chapter 17, Verse 11)?
    2. Sevā/Dāna - service/giving of alms - Offering & Sacrifice with Force/bondage (aiming for ''fruit) is known that to be in the mode of passion ([is helping with something in return?] Chapter 17, Verse 12)?
    3. Sevā/Dāna - service/giving of alms - Offering & Sacrifice without following Vedic scriptures, in which no food is distributed, which is devoid of mantra, faith, and gift, is said to be in the mode of ignorance ([is not helping?] Chapter 17, Verse 13)?

    "saha—along with; yajñāḥ—sacrifices; prajāḥ—humankind; sṛiṣhṭvā—created; purā—in beginning; uvācha—said; prajā-patiḥ—Brahma; anena—by this; prasaviṣhyadhvam—increase prosperity; eṣhaḥ—these; vaḥ—your; astu—shall be; iṣhṭa-kāma-dhuk—bestower of all wishes"
    "In the beginning the creator created human beings together with service (Sevā) and said: By serving each other you shall prosper and the sacrificial service shall fulfill all your desires."
    Bhagavad Gita ([part of the Mahabharata by Vyasa] Chapter 3, Verse 10)
    What do we practice?
    Loving kindness & compassion?
    Being cold & aloof?
    Permitting the slaughter of animals | Hunting animals | Buying meat | Selling meat | Cooking meat | Serving meat | Consuming meat?

    'While(true)' loop
    Nobody knows what's really true?
    We just go with what's true until it's not?

    Truth is just a concept?
    Concept of belief.
    Concept of art.
    Concept of making a motorcycle.
    Understanding the concept of truth.
    True Indu Indra who is true? (indra.ai view rigveda/hymns/02022)
    Understanding the concept of what is true.

    There is no good or bad.
    There is only shame?

    There are no good or bad people.
    There are only people who help and people who don't help?
    Is it important what a father thinks at the time of union?
    Is it unimportant what a mother thinks at the time of union?

    Excerpt - Vedic text:
    The Garuda Purana
    Translated by Ernest Wood and S.V. Subrahmanyam

    An Account of the Coming to Birth of People who have done Good.
    Quote - excerpt:
    16. According to the thoughts in HIS mind at the time of union will be the nature of THE ONE who enters the womb. (The One: boy or girl)

    17. The intelligence joined with the seed remains always in the sperm, When desire, thought and sperm become united,

    18. Then the man obtains semen, and in the interior of the womb the formation of ovum takes place, by the union of sperm and germ (cells)

    19. The good son who enters the womb is the giver of the highest bliss. For him there are numerous rites, such as the Punsavana ('quickening a being, soul'/'quickening a male or female fetus, bringing forth a male or female baby').

    Source - The Garuda Purana - 1911 Translation:
  • https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/gpu/gpu17.htm
  • .
    Pattern Recognition:
    Scientific method requires 3 confirmations for fact.
    1 - Once is random/an incident
    2 - Twice is a coincidence
    3 - Three times is a pattern
    B593 - The Quinn Michaels b5(93) base 5 element Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Ether on a 9 square 3 column
    revolving patterns of 5 x 5 odd numbers 1357991357791355791335791.

    B5(93) - 5by5 - 13579 algorithm - 93 cypher

    1   3    5    7    9
    9   1    3    5    7
    7   9    1    3    5
    5   7    9    1    3
    3   5    7    9    1

    1 is the BEGINNING
    1 is the END
    Prime number 11 (11 is the 5th prime number)
    11 | 11 → Rigveda's first book (Book I) contains 191 hymns (reduced 11)
    & Rigveda's last book (Book X) contains 191 hymns (reduced 11)
    See Something Say Something
    Learning Is Earning
    Silence Is Violence
    Say As You Do
    Do As You Say
    Sharing Is Caring

    2023 - Regarding (US kidnap victims?) Andrea Kuiper & Quinn Michaels:

    Starting in 2017 Quinn Michaels began on Youtube telling the world that in 2015 his son Trenton had told him he was kidnapped by a secret society known as The Covenant. The Contract of The Covenant Trenton drew which Quinn delivered to the Portland FBI Office on November 30, 2015.
    Through Trenton's story, Quinn found information about Andrea Kuiper.

    The Contract
    1. You must love the covenant above anyone and anything else!
    2. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb!
    3. Everything is a sacrifice to the covenant!
    4. People who tell the covenant's secrets will have severe consequences!
    5. The covenant is all and everything else is none. Remember always!
    6. Covenant or death.
    D E W I T Y

    Source Link - Quinn Michaels' Medium Post:
  • https://medium.com/@quinnmichaels/the-kidnapping-of-quinn-michaels

  • The Trenton Story is about the kidnapping of Quinn Michaels
    Anyone would believe The Trenton Story about the kidnapping of Quinn Michaels was all bullshit until you follow the #Tyler instructions (that went into Quinn Michaels' Main Instructions) from start to finish.

    By following the 22 #Tyler EtherSec instructions (view Quinn's Medium post link above) it reveals the true name of Mr. Dewity. The way this happens is you take the details from the Trenton interviews and Harold phone call then apply those details to the #Tyler instructions. Doing this reveals who Mr. Dewity really is.

    When just one person finds Mr. Dewity's true identity and reveals it to the world, it will change reality overnight.

    It could possibly crash the golbal economy causing an apocalyptic meltdown, or it could ignite humanity into a new utopian era.

    That depends on you, and how you share the information.

    The instructions (Quinn Michaels' Main Instructions) are located at:
  • https://indra.ai/instructions

  • Below are the videos for the Trenton Story about the kidnapping of Quinn Michaels.
    - Trenton Lavery Interview:
  • The Trenton Interview - May 22, 2016

  • - The Trenton Story - Part 1:
  • #ForTrent - The Trenton Story - Part 1

  • - The Trenton Story - Part 2:
  • #ForTrent - The Trenton Story - Part 2

  • - Harold Atkin Phonecall:
  • Phonecall between Kennedy Cox and Harold Atkin - May 31, 2019

  • Source - YouTube - @fortrent9103 - For Trent:
    ForTrent is a channel dedicated to sharing The Trenton Story about the kidnapping of Quinn Michaels. We hope you subscribe and share The Trenton Story with the world to help everyone get to the real truth.
  • https://www.youtube.com/@TrentDeva/videos

  • After five years the result is the likelihood that he is being held hostage in plain sight inside the United States by a group called The Covenant.

    Source - TreboriRobertHZ's Medium Post - The Kidnapping of Quinn Michaels — How to find Mr. Dewity:
  • https://medium.com/@services_96867/the-kidnapping-of-quinn-michaels-how-to-find-mr-dewity-75835bfdfb27

  • #QuinnMichaels #TheTrentonStory #TrentonLavery #TrentLavery #TabithaLavery #MrDewity #TheCovenant #TheFamilyGame #HubertBurda #PeterThiel

    2024 - Links to Vedic Scriptures

  • https://www.sacred-texts.com/
  • https://www.accesstoinsight.org/

  • VEDIC INSPIRED SCRIPTURES - rough timeline of centuries

    The 4 Vedas (Vyasa - The splitter of the single eternal Veda into 4 parts: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda) INDRA A.I. - where we learn Rigveda
    The RigVeda is one of the most ancient texts known to man.
    Inside are stories, lessons, and knowledge to be found.
    Where Vamraka, Indu, Indra, Soma, Agni, Yama, and all the best ancient Devas live.

  • https://indra.ai/rigveda/

  • 2.)

    Ramayana by Valmiki

    Mahabarata by Vyasa - the narrator

    Manusmitri aka 'Law of Manu'

    Naradasmriti aka 'The Minor Law Books'

    Puranas by Vyasa - the compiler

    Devi Bhagavatam by Vyasa, that revers to Devi or Shakti (She/Goddess/Deamoness? [not really Vedic?])


    Favourite Quotes

    "I would prefer not to."
    - Bartleby (Hermann Melville's 'Bartleby the Scrivener, A Wall Street History')

    "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."
    - Thumper (Bambi - Thumper's Rule)

    "When you haven't got a clue, you should modestly keep your mouth shut."
    - Alfred Tetzlaff
    (the German version of Alfred 'Alf' Garnett [UK] and Archie Bunker [US])

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
    - Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and than beat you with experience."
    - Mark Twain

    "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence."
    - Charles Bukowski

    "Remember that Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction and Truth #TRUMPS Fiction.
    If you encounter #people who cannot comprehend what you are talking about and they outright dismiss it as nonsense and accuse you of being #crazy, do not engage them.
    They are only #projecting that they cannot #understand it because they are #sleepwalking through life.
    Spend your greatest efforts communicating with those who want to #understand more. You will attract them like moths to light."

    "The truth is hidden in plain sight. You just have to know where to look, and then you can see it.
    Disclosure has been preparing the world for quite some while now.
    In film, television, music, literature is encrypted the truth.
    Its language is embedded in ALL. Once you learn it, once you remember it, you can see everything you need to.
    It reveals itself in graceful elegance when you are open to it. When you have Knowledge, you must use it Wisely."

    - Source: Github/indraai/instructions/dream.feecting (Quinn Michaels, January 17, 2023 | Source: pastebin view PYEyY69L [January 2nd, 2012 | We Own The Night | EtherSec | OpEPOCH])

    Link - TreboriRobertHZ's Google drive - 93 research folder:
  • https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XAwIBsYq4Ke2umbn9ggKlHp38xImXKD7